Információtartalom vázlata

  • Ismertesse a helyzetet, miszerint az év elején a felettese által jóváhagyott szabadságolási terv szerint Ön elutazna barátaival, de ő munkatorlódás miatt nem akarja elengedni.
  • Kérje meg felettesét, hogy keressenek megoldást! Javasolja, hogy hazaviszi a munkát, esetleg megpróbál előre dolgozni, vagy szerezne helyettest távolléte idejére.
  • Excuse me. I would like to talk to you.
  • Yes?! How can I help you?
  • I’ve just heard that I cannot go on my planned holiday in June. Is that right?
  • Yes, it is. Due to  increased workload I am unable to release anybody, including you.
  • I understand that boss, but  you confirmed my annual leave in January. We have already booked and paid our trip to Italy. Now, it can’t be cancelled. Couldn’t we find a solution?
  • I don’t know . What do you mean?
  • I could take work home with me or I could even try to work in advance.
  • To be honest, I don’t think it would work that way.
  • And what if I got somebody who could stand in for me?
  • That sounds fine. If you find a colleague, you can go on vacation.
  • Thank you. Bye.